Raking Muck in the Third Millenium

I used to have a sign over my desk in a newspaper office long ago, in Gothic script it read Rake Some Muck Today. In today's world, raking muck is something of a lost art. I may not be able to singlehandedly bring it back, but this is a start.

09 September 2010

Horses are God's Apology for Men

I'm not one of those women who doesn't like men.
I do like men. Some of my best friends are men. My son is a young man and he is a lot easier to get along with than his sisters.
I tell my girls boys are like Labrador retrievers, lovable, but it takes a little longer for their brains to kick in.
I was having lunch with a dear male friend who mentioned I seem very familiar with the needs of the horses we both work with. "Horses," I said, gesturing with one hand, "men," I said gesturing with the other. I excluded my present company, of course, but, in general, horses are a lot easier to get a long with. They let you know what they want. They are affectionate without asking for more. They are just so much easier to communicate with. And I say that as a professional at human to human communication.

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