Raking Muck in the Third Millenium

I used to have a sign over my desk in a newspaper office long ago, in Gothic script it read Rake Some Muck Today. In today's world, raking muck is something of a lost art. I may not be able to singlehandedly bring it back, but this is a start.

27 April 2010

Professional Organizations

The salient fact is that the dues of professional organizations are tax deductible. People are willing to donate to the animal shelter and the fire department, but not their own professional best interests. Professional organizations protect the rank and file workers. They're like unions with jackets and ties and decent wine. But the members of professional organizations are graying. We need young blood to energize us. We need people at the table who aren't interrupted by their teenagers calling their cell phones to beg for a driving lesson or running off to Florida to make sure their parents aren't driving. Not to mention, the organizations need people who are more at home with the new technology. It could take the entire board of some pro orgs to open a Facebook page. Young professionals: take pity on us and join. You won't regret it.