Raking Muck in the Third Millenium

I used to have a sign over my desk in a newspaper office long ago, in Gothic script it read Rake Some Muck Today. In today's world, raking muck is something of a lost art. I may not be able to singlehandedly bring it back, but this is a start.

24 August 2010

A Spaniard in the Works

When John Lennon wrote the book with the above title, he was just having some fun with the language. He didn't have to worry about the political correctness of using "Spaniard" for Spanner because the term hadn't been invented. Back then, we still said "Mexican photo" for a picture that lined up people and "shot them down." We still said Chinese fire drill for jumping out of the car and turning around it before getting back in different seats. We had nothing against Spaniards, Mexicans or the Chinese, it was just something you said. While I don't defend an era of unconcern, things were certainly easier then.

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